Workplace hospitality makes your office commute worthy for employees and destination-worthy for visitors

Jun 4, 2024

Over the past several years, employers have grappled with implementing strategies that would boost employee engagement and satisfaction while still getting tangible value from their investment in physical spaces. Our eBook The Complete Guide to Workplace Hospitality introduces the concept of workplace hospitality and shows how it can positively impact employee well-being and productivity. From designing the physical space to implementing social programs, this guide offers practical tips for companies to create a thriving workplace culture.

This blog summarizes The Complete Guide to Workplace Hospitality. For full details, download your complimentary copy.

Chapter 1: The Evolving Workplace Landscape

This chapter explores into the modern workplace, post-pandemic. The prevalence of remote and hybrid work arrangements has presented organizations with three key changes:

  • Connection: Fully remote workers increasingly feel disconnected from their organization and their peers
  • Productivity: Leadership worries about the productivity of their workers away from the office
  • Technology: Remote employees experience more technological challenges than their in-office counterparts

This chapter highlights numerous opportunities for organizations to address employees’ challenges and position the company for success, to:

  • facilitate better workplace socialization
  • improve the quantity and quality of talent attraction
  • enhance the employee experience to reduce turnover

According to Gallup, engaged employees are more likely to be productive, innovative, and loyal to the company. The chapter also highlights the positive impact of workplace hospitality on employee well-being, mental health, and work-life balance.

Chapter 2: What is Workplace Hospitality?

This chapter defines workplace hospitality as a concept historically associated with hotels. And the principles that have helped hotels create loyal guests can now also help organizations boost employee engagement and encourage more employees and visitors to return to the office.

HR and business leaders are encouraged to consider three key questions before embarking on a strategy to incorporate workplace hospitality into employee engagement activities:

  • When: Intentional timing for when you are aiming to attract employees back to the office
  • Where: Global vs. regional differences may dictate what workplace hospitality looks like in your organization
  • Why: Having purpose and clearly articulating the benefits of this new enhanced workplace will net the greatest outcomes
Chapter 3: Examples of Workplace Hospitality

This chapter focuses on what workplace hospitality looks like, in practice. Much the same way quality hotels build guest loyalty through tailored experiences, workplace hospitality relies heavily on personalization to provide customized service and a unique human touch.

A Hospitality Manager not only acts as an ambassador of your physical workspace and facilitator of hospitality services, but they are also responsible for monitoring and reporting on service utilization — a key element for tracking the ROI.

Folding all types of hospitality services into a holistic strategy helps deliver a personalized, yet consistent experience to all types of guests. Some examples of this include:

  • Welcome experience
  • Guest and visitor experience
  • Common area oversight
  • Events/meeting planning and coordination
  • Amenity programming
  • Convenience services

For more on this, download your complimentary copy.

Chapter 4: Measuring the Impact of Workplace Hospitality

This chapter delves into the importance of measuring the impact of workplace hospitality initiatives. It explores different metrics such as employee engagement scores, satisfaction surveys, and productivity data to evaluate the effectiveness of hospitality programs.

A few indications that your efforts are paying off could include:

  • Increase in attendance
  • Increase in remote worker visits
  • Quality/satisfaction survey results
  • Higher utilization of programs
  • Improved retention rates
  • Improved eNPS scores
  • Time savings calculated (from surveys)
  • Boosts in on-site event attendance

Data collection can also be extremely useful in tracking and measuring your hospitality initiatives, make informed decisions and enhance your strategy:

  • Implement a keycard or access control system
  • Analyze event registration and RSVPs
  • Evaluate employee feedback and surveys
  • Leverage HR metrics

The chapter also outlines how workplace hospitality supports and benefits employees, visitors AND employers.

Chapter 5: Workplace Hospitality in Action

This chapter gives real examples of workplace hospitality in action. Two success stories are highlighted within the Guide:

Personalized Visitor Experience Nets 100% Satisfaction Rate

Innovative Service Spaces Earn 77.2 Net Promoter Score

The use of personas can be helpful in deploying your hospitality strategy and customizing the employee experience. The guide outlines five personas and gives insight into strategies that would fit each persona:

  • The Detective is an investigative type who seeks knowledge and shares solutions with others
  • The Road Warrior works from various locations and is adaptable and adept at making connections
  • The Networker is highly collaborative, extroverted and connects everyone with the information they need
  • The Problem Solver is focused on automation and efficiency, and are often early adopters of tech
  • The Expressionist prioritizes making work fun and are inherently inclusive
Conclusion: Looking Forward: Hospitality will Create Workplaces of the Future

The Complete Guide to Workplace Hospitality provides a comprehensive overview of the strategies and benefits associated with creating an employee-centric workplace. It emphasizes the importance of fostering a culture of hospitality and implementing programs that connect employees to their co-workers and their organization, to create a sense of community and belonging. Download your complimentary copy of The Complete Guide to Workplace Hospitality to get  more in-depth strategies and action items.


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