Ambitious? We are too!

We are a diverse group of individuals, united in creating a future of work where everyone feels valued, supported, and connected.

We are a community of entrepreneurs who love working as a team to find success individually and for our company. We have runners, comedians, movie buffs, musicians, writers, animal lovers and every other variety of people. We have family people, single people, happy people. You will find friends here!

We love working here, we think you will too.

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19-21 Rue du Dôme 92100
Boulogne-Billancourt, France

9am to 5pm

Avalon House, Breckland, Linford Wood, Milton
Keynes, MK14 6LD

9am to 5pm

800 South Street
Waltham, MA 02453

9am to 5pm

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